
 My experience with not being on the internet was very interesting. At first, I was very confused at what this assignment meant. I was taking care of my brother the entire weekend because he fractured his ankle. So, I did not have much time to be on my electronics. The first thing I did was exercise every day. Instead of my usual routine I did a 45 minute walk every day. I wanted to do that so I could take in the nature around me. I focused on the nature and my surroundings. I looked at the clouds to see if they made any funny shapes. I got a lot of inspiration for projects and even had time to just think about ideas. Another thing I did was journal every day. I usually journal but this time I did it with the intention of this assignment. I journaled about how I was feeling that day and what I wanted to get done. The last thing I did to exit the online world is express myself through my outfit choices. I wanted to play with colors and accessories and treat myself like a canvas! Overll the experience was a lot of fun and I enjoyed dethatching myself from the online world.

This is my very literal interpretation of what I think digital art is

I would say this is how my experience felt over the weekend. When I was not using my technology, I realized how much everyone else uses theirs. So, the two people at the end of the tables have a tablet for a head and are also on their computers. While I'm in the middle just watching.


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